Sparkling Smile: 6 Habits for Dental Health

Maintaining a good smile, including taking care of your teeth, takes a lifetime of effort. You still need to take the necessary precautions daily to keep your teeth healthy and free from decay, even if you’ve been told that your smile is beautiful. Investing in the correct dental care products and being conscientious about your routine is essential. We have curated six items you should check off your list to keep your teeth in tip-top shape. Here at Barrhaven Dental Studio, we want to help and make sure your dental needs are always taken care of.

1. Bedtime Brush: Don’t Let Sugar Bugs Sleep Over

We all know we should brush twice a day, but the bedtime brush is often neglected. Yet, as you drift off to dreamland, plaque and bacteria happily party in your mouth. A thorough brushing before bed banishes these unwelcome guests, ensuring you wake up with a clean and refreshed smile.

2. Brushing Technique: Mastering the Tooth-Saving Sweep

How you brush is just as important as how often. Ditch the haphazard scrub! Instead, use a soft-bristled brush and gentle circular motions, making sure to reach all surfaces of every tooth. This technique effectively removes plaque, your arch-nemesis in the fight against cavities and gum disease.

3. Tongue TLC: Don’t Neglect Your Taste Buds’ Buddy

Your tongue isn’t just for taste—it’s a prime real estate for plaque buildup too! This can lead to bad breath and other oral woes. So, when you brush your teeth, give your tongue a gentle scrub as well. Remember, a clean tongue means a fresh breath and a happy mouth!

4. Fluoride Power: Your Daily Dose of Tooth Armor

While fancy flavors and whitening promises might tempt you, don’t forget the real hero: fluoride! Choose a toothpaste with fluoride, as it strengthens your teeth and acts as a shield against decay. Think of it as your daily dose of tooth armor, keeping those nasty cavities at bay.

5. Flossing: Brushing’s Partner in Crime-Fighting

Flossing isn’t just for dislodging stray spinach! It’s your best friend for reaching those hidden nooks and crannies where your toothbrush can’t. Daily flossing removes plaque and food particles, prevents gum inflammation, and keeps your entire mouth healthy. Remember, Barrhaven Dental Studio’s friendly dentists are always happy to demonstrate proper flossing technique!

6. Don’t Go Solo: Twice-Yearly Visits to Your Barrhaven Dental Superhero

Even the most diligent brushers and flossers need a dental superhero in their corner. That’s where we come in! At Barrhaven Dental Studio, we recommend at least two dental exams and cleanings per year. We’ll remove stubborn plaque and calculus, check for cavities, and ensure your smile stays healthy and radiant.

Investing in these simple habits is an investment in your confidence and overall well-being. So, ditch the dental blues and embrace a sparkling smile with Barrhaven Dental Studio as your partner in oral health. Visit us today, and let’s unlock the door to a brighter, healthier smile together!

Learn More About Regular Dental Checkups          Call Our Office

Post-Extraction Eats: Navigating Food After a Tooth Removal

Tooth extractions in Barrhaven might mean saying goodbye to a tooth, but not to your love for delicious food! While recovery is key, satisfying your cravings doesn’t have to be sidelined. Knowing what to eat (and avoid) is the secret to a smooth and delicious post-extraction journey.

Soft Start for a Gentle Recovery (First 24 Hours):

Imagine fluffy clouds on your plate instead of crunchy bites. For the first 24 hours after your extraction, stick to soft, easily digestible foods that won’t irritate the extraction site. Think creamy yogurts, smooth puddings, wobbly Jell-O, or a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Applesauce also makes a tasty and nutritious choice.

Expanding Your Palate After Day 1:

As your extraction site heals, your menu options can gradually expand. Day 2 and beyond allow you to introduce more variety, keeping easy-to-chew textures in mind. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, fluffy scrambled eggs, and comforting oatmeal are all excellent choices. Pancakes and broth-based soups also provide satisfying and nourishing options.

Steering Clear of Troublemakers:

While your culinary curiosity might be piqued, certain foods are best left on the “avoid” list for about a week after your extraction. Say no to hard, chewy, crunchy, or brittle foods like chips, nuts, and popcorn. These can irritate the extraction site and hinder healing. Remember, patience is key to a speedy recovery!

Eating with Care: Important Tips:

It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat it that matters. Chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the extraction site to avoid any unnecessary pressure. While sipping may be tempting, ditch the straw for a while. Straws can dislodge the blood clot, so stick to gentle sips from a cup or mug.

Remember, tooth extractions are a common dental procedure, and Barrhaven Dental Studio is here to guide you through every step. If questions arise, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 613-713-2900. We’re always happy to help you navigate the recovery process and ensure your return to enjoying all the culinary delights Barrhaven has to offer!

Learn More About Tooth Extractions

Discolored Smiles: Unveiling Stains and Solutions

Morning coffee, afternoon tea, a juicy Barrhaven steak – these indulgences bring joy, but can also leave their mark on your teeth. Understanding the different types of tooth stains and their causes is crucial for achieving a radiant smile.

Exploring the Stain Spectrum:

According to dentists, tooth discoloration can be categorized into three main types:

1. Extrinsic Stains: These surface-level offenders, from coffee to red wine, are the most common and often respond well to diligent brushing and flossing. However, deeper cracks can harbor stubborn stains, requiring professional attention.

2. Intrinsic Stains: Deep within the tooth lies the dentin, and when it darkens, intrinsic stains emerge. These require more specialized solutions like whitening treatments offered at Barrhaven Dental Studio.

3. Age-Related Stains: Time leaves its mark not just on our faces, but also our teeth. Dentin naturally yellows over time, and thinning enamel reveals its presence, leading to age-related discoloration.

Unearthing the Stain Culprits:

While some stains are inevitable, many are preventable. Knowing the common culprits can help you protect your smile:

  • Food & Drink: Coffee, tea, soda, red wine, certain fruits and vegetables – these acidic delights can leave behind unsightly stains.
  • Tobacco: Cigarettes and chewing tobacco are notorious for dulling smiles.
  • Oral Care: Neglecting brushing and flossing allows plaque to build up, creating a breeding ground for discoloration.
  • Trauma or Disease: Early childhood illnesses, accidents, or conditions affecting enamel formation can lead to stains.
  • Medical Treatments: Certain medications and therapies, like chemotherapy, can contribute to discoloration.

Smoothing the Stains Away:

Fortunately, several remedies can bring back the sparkle to your smile:

  • Consistent Oral Hygiene: Brushing twice daily and flossing once a day form the foundation of a stain-free smile.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Twice-yearly visits to Barrhaven Dental Studio ensure professional cleaning and early detection of potential staining issues.
  • Limiting Staining Beverages: Reducing your intake of stain-prone drinks can significantly impact your smile’s brightness.
  • At-Home Remedies: Brushing with baking soda-based products can offer mild stain removal.
  • Professional Teeth Whitening: For dramatic results, consulting with Barrhaven Dental Studio about professional whitening treatments is the gold standard.

Don’t let stained teeth dim your confidence. With the right knowledge and professional support, you can unlock a smile that radiates true brilliance. Contact Barrhaven Dental Studio today and let us help you reclaim your pearly whites!

Learn More About Teeth Whitening     Contact Barrhaven Dental Studio

Barrhaven Dental Studio

2900 Woodroffe Avenue, Unit 8
Nepean, ON K2J 4G3
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Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. (third Saturday of every month)
Sunday: Closed



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